This friend is an ally, in breaking down steps to a goal. But still we're the best of friends ever! Most would think that combo is going to be flirtatious, fickle and flakey, and a complete (both emotional and physical) cheater. Here's Venus Libra with other Venus Signs: Venus Libra is at first wowed by the forceful Aries attention but then wilts if that gaze turns elsewhere. Taurus You're a fire sign, for an instinctual and physical approach to getting to know others. But don't lose heart, if the love is there -- look to the full chart for energies that bridge the gap. A partner who is always running off to see friends, for example, could make your lover feel somewhat insecure and decidedly unloved. Your partner is a more stubborn soul, possessing staying power, for sure, but not the flexibility that you so gracefully offer any partnership. 1965. Where theydiverge is in their rhythms, as Leo is fixed and Sagittarius is mutable. They may be full of exciting ideas, though sitting down and carrying them out might be another story. Contact between a Scorpio and an Aquarius can be truly intense. Your partner is more traditional than you are in their view of partnerships. You view sex as an emotional release, yet you also tend to appraise it with intellectual detachment. There's a bright current in this friendship, with a lot of easy banter, laughs and spontaneous plans. To people who don't know me, I'm the strong silent type to whom you don't want to get on my bad side. Summary. Venus Capricorn will be supportive, but not necessarily a cheerleader. Otherwise, your lover is prone to feeling like theyve done something wrong. Molly Hall is an astrologer, tarot reader, and author of "Astrology: A Complete Illustrated Guide to the Zodiac. A key here iscatharsisthe art of taking raw emotion and moving it, being changed by it. And you gain the wisdom that some things (and people) are worth the wait. It's a pair that delights in wit, irony, and sarcasm. Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility. It's compatible energy, a sextile, which is like a trine lite. Mars in the 1st house generally is one of aggression, but if it's Earth Mars on the rising, you'd get someone much more anti-Mars and placid. You love to brainstorm with your partner, and in Venus in Pisces, you have found a completely fascinating brain to pick. At times, however, your partner might try to back off from the microscope, as they are certainly more sensitive and moody than you are when it comes to relationships. Certainly, you stimulate each other, enjoy being together, and find plenty of common interests. More than almost any other signature in the chart, these planets (and their aspects and house placements), give clues as to how you like to "do love" (Venus) and "do sex" (Mars). Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Nothing in the world could stop the fact that he wasn't what I needed nor I was what he wanted at the moment. Here's Venus Aquarius with other Venus Signs: Venus Aquarius finds a kindred spirit in the Ram, who is similarly restless and craves novelty. If Venus Aquarius wants to keep Venus Leo for the longterm, he or she will have to learn how to make the Lion feel singled out. You are more apt to analyze a situation before letting yourself feel the energy of the moment. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Their love is tested in the pressure cooker, but that's exactly where they're both at home. Venus Leo admires Venus Libra's social ease and ability to always look put together. These signs combined represent the ultimate sexual freedom, a place with no restrictions or taboos. One's head is in the clouds, the other firmly planted on the ground. You like active, bright friends who always know something fun to do. You . Each of you appreciates the need for individuality, and neither of you believes that a partnership should act to stifle this basic need. The promise of balance is there, somewhere, and both you and your partner may sense this shadow personality in the other. ", Discover the Love Compatibility of Venus in Aries. Important Note: We offer sign-to-sign compatibility interpretations assuming readers know that the comparisons attempt to show both the negative and positive sides of only one point of comparison. At the very least, you will admire each others strength of character. If you have the space to breathe a little, all the better. Both of you are stubborn and this leads at times to vigorous arguments. A promising pair that both venerate noble deeds, social grace and having a cultivated personal style. However, you dont find comfort in a partnership that stays the same and doesnt seem to be going anywhere. Where they diverge is in their rhythms, as Leo is fixed and Sagittarius is mutable. You alternate between sexual adventurousness and vulnerability. Your ability to reason is something most people appreciate, as long as they arent threatened by that ability to detach yourself. You're both restless in relationships like to fight and abhor wishy-washy people. Contact me today!For natal chart readings, synastry relationship compatibility, Tarot readings, contact me at:Facebook: astroluck111@gmail.comMy poetry book out now on Amazon! You have an aloof air about you that others find attractive. However, your partners manner hides an earthy sensuality and attachment to the person they love. I would suspect then that the composite of you didn't match. Or great heights followed by a crash? But Venus Pisces is also the classic chameleon and can swim away if things get too intense. Concerts, art openings, movies, and the latest hot restaurant are all good bets for first dates. It's these very traits that will make them fall in love. Makes me cute too. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Air is about the intellect, so Aquarius tackles life as one chance to grow and explore after another, while Scorpio is more analytical. This difference can lead to unintentional wounding, as each seeks what the other doesn't want (or doesn't have) to give. You could feel judged as rash, reckless, insensitive, to this Venus who records the smallest word and deed. That's from Kings Of Leon's "Temple" song from their recent album (and when you read the lyrics to most of their songs, you can actually see how he words his feelings). Venus Libra is more of a serial monogamist, while the Sagittarian lover sows many oats before settling down. What they get is more understated, depending on otherastrological featuresin their Venus Virgo lover's chart. There can be a contract that works, but there could be mistrust too if one is ready for commitment. Note: You are likely familiar with comparing sun signs to determine compatibility. You are using an out of date browser. Your relating style is forceful and directed toward a target. It may not be very easy for your partner to get why you are capable of detaching yourself, and they may find it threatening to the basic love bond between you. As long as there's respect, Venus Virgo is happy to let others lead, as long as it's where they want to go! The Aries-Libra polarity means swings from extremes of "Me" and "We," which keeps things interesting! You're fast friends, and neither holds back if there are strong feelings. Make sure your partner knows that if they feel comfortable enough to loosen up and be themselves, you will appreciate them all the more. Venus Leo gets restless for excitement and will become irritable, even aggressive if stuck in the same old same old. During this cycle, there is a powerful mental connection with your creative self-expression. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. It's all or nothing for Leo, in matters of the heart. First dates could begin with swapping stories of memorable events, and impressions from growing up. You are largely objective, while your partner is subjective. Neither of you wants to waste time arguing about petty things, and both of you want to see the best in each other. Its intense and personal, and very passionate. One sticking point is that Venus is physically active, and wants to see a fiery passion in a lover. Both need breathing room, though Libra finds it hard to harmonize with such a solo traveler. Aquarius Pisces. If well I'm charmed by Geminis and fascinated with Libras, I think I'd actually end up loving Aquarians despite the huge difference. Your quirkiness can be fun and even electric. There may be some issues surrounding the definition of your relationship. I understand that, actually the synastry tells a lot about compatibility, but I guess in the end it's just about the people involved and timing too I guess. I was looking at the fact that she has Venus in Libra and I have it in Scorpio and how practically we're the antithesis of the other!!! There could be other factors, though, in the synastry, that give their love a more constant nature. There is a lot of romantic chemistry between you two because the Venus is attracted to the Mars' similar passion and sex drive, while Mars is attracted to the Venus' charm. The language of "We" makes Aquarius skittish, unless he or she is ready to fixate on one partner. When your Venus is in Taurus, your needs in love are largely determined by the pleasing of your senses. A shared sense of purpose is love glue. Both romantics at heart, their love affair is the centerpiece of a fabulous life. You, more than most people, understand your lovers tendency to be a bit inconstant. And vice versa? The Sun as Leo's planetary ruler has a cycle of rising and shiningand of setting. Communication will be flowing between the two of you! Both have a showy side, which means if either of the two is feeling ignored, look out. You're both very physical and enjoy active dates where your faces go all red. In the long term, however, their extravagant tastes could lead to conflicts over the household budget. They will gladly go along with your wonderful visions and ideals, but your partner looks for a connection that runs very deep. Dont know your Venus sign? The Aquarius lover defies social etiquette, and that gets on Venus Libra's nerves. You are genuinely somewhat detached when it comes to relationships, and commitment is not your primary goal. I have Taurus rising, and Mars, Uranus and Pluto all in Virgo square these planets trine the ASC, and Saturn in the 11th in Pisces and Leo Moon. You dive in first, to a new acquaintance, and ask questions later. Anything can mix with the right supporting cast. Venus is the significator of beauty, love, romance, and material pleasures, which will pass through the Aquarius sign from February 21, 2021, till March 2021. You're both freedom lovers, and that makes this an inspired friendship. These two are fellow air sign travelers, that like a fast pace to keep from feeling bored. Scorpio and Aquarius make an odd match. He also had Libra Moon conjunct Pluto and I have a Libra stelliumalso a bad combo. This can be hurtful to your sensitive mate or friend. Your Cappy love sees from you the power of acting at the moment. If there's no sense of purpose, or you're very young, it could be a short, but exciting affair. Your mate loves to be a "we" in a power duo, where you can never have too much togetherness. Venus in Pisces with the Sun in Aquarius or Aries can be a more challenging combination. He or she wants to see adoring eyes and will lose interest in a flash if the twinkle goes out of your eyes. Venus Virgo is modest and meticulous, while Venus Leo is self-aggrandizing and dramatic. I have Sun/Jupiter/Mercury/Venus in Gemini in the 1st so the pop astrologists say I'm flighty, spacey, fickle, social butterfly. Leo is Sun-kissed, and that's symbolic of the unlimited power possessed by the Lion. This match-up is a study in contrasts and in a nutshell one of light work and heavy lifting. What attracts Venus Libra is alertness and bright repartee, as well as an overall appealing outer package. Attachment can grow between these two signs! You are not an easy lover to understand, however. You express your feelings of love in a detached manner, and this can certainly frustrate your partner. Just based on the people that I know with either placement, I don't see just those aspects alone making it work. Pisces. You're also both high achievers but go about it in different ways. The weird sense of humor and theatrical individuality of the Venus Aquarius gets Venus Leo's mojo going as well. Ideally, the two of you will find common ground, although it is difficult to predict who is going to budge, as you both can be somewhat stubborn! Cancer Both of you like to be special, different, and unique but your partner wants to be special, where special means the best in a lovers eyes. Aquarius: Mental stimulation. Both like refined things, status and a sense of climbing upward, whether it's socially or materially. You need to be tilted toward risk can be alarming to your mate or friend. What Leo wants is ardent passion. Plus, they can help scattered Venus Leo ground and focus their enthusiasm to achieve a productive rhythm. Venus in Capricorn comes off as all business at first, and very guarded. You are not impressed with relationships that are overly traditional or restrictive. The truth is, you need both, but it can be hard to know when you need what. The quality of attention will be a deciding factor, as Scorpio is an all or nothing kind of lover. I think if Aquarius works with any water sign it is Pisces - Pisces can be as emotional as a Scorpio without the up front intensity. What's the difference in love, with these two proud fire signs? Capricorn is Saturn-ruled, don't forget, which means they lean toward sober assessments. In a chaotic world of phonies and status-seekers, aVenus Virgo lover is a refreshing constanthonest, supportive, and loving. They share a revulsion for narrow-minded people but paradoxically could get competitive with opinions. You may be a tad argumentative in close partnership as a result of this basic inner conflict. Click How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Cancer: This combination can be a challenging one, simply because your styles and needs in love tend to be at odds with one another. The Venus in Cancerlover is highly attuned to their mate's feelings, and they have a desire to nurture and protect. Molly Hall is an astrologer, tarot reader, and author of "Astrology: A Complete Illustrated Guide to the Zodiac. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. This is a match that can bring shocking surprises -- like finding out your lover has many kettles on the stove. As long as you both work on the intimate side of partnership, you will find that your relationship is progressive and excitingand decidedly unique! You're a free-spirited kind of friend or lover. As for compatibility I think Sagittarius Venus could work because they are pretty free souls and don't like to take things too seriously. Many people can have great synastry and absolutely nothing in composite. While you are able to take a step back from many emotional issues in your partnership, if only to gain perspective and understanding, your partner has the hardest time doing just that. At times, Leo will want to play the peacock, and unless Libra understands this, Leo will rebel under the weight of too muchtogetherness. When your Venus is in Aquarius, you dont want to follow all the rules in love, preferring to love in your own way, unfettered by convention or what is supposed to be, or usually, done. Learn more about your own romantic and sexual styles, or about someone elses, with our exclusive LoveStyles: About Him and LoveStyles: About Her reports. Although you are creative individuals, your interactions may eventually lack spunk or seem a little dry. When you do make a commitment, you are generally able to stick to it. Pisces. Your friend is more reserved and harder to get to know. Venus Aquarius is a cool character, not prone to sentimentality or cuddly affection. A demanding Leo lover that wants loyalty and devotion might find that leaves them in an impossible position. More Sign Compatibility: If your Venus is in: Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Pisces: This is an unusual combination. They share keen observations about people, the world, and life. Both signs have a bossy streak and like to be at the top of the heap. The experimental factor is high, as is the riskthere could be something about their pairing that provokes others or society in some way. The Sun in fire signs like Sagittarius and Aries likes to take action. JavaScript is disabled. Whereas your partner values partnerships more than anything, you are more inclined to place the highest value on the friendship first, before the partnership. Both of you are reasonable people, and this can be a very reasonable union as a result. You reveal your love in different ways, and the independence you need, if misunderstood, can lead to a fair share of worrying on your lovers part. Aquarius Infatuations happen easily, but true love can be a little elusive for you. Conversely, Leo's attempts to rein in flighty Gemini might come off as overdramatic and domineering and could give Gemini the jitters. Your partner craves a relationship that is very personal and committed, while you are more inclined to look for a classic friendship in any love relationship! The commitment you make generally has to be a little different in order to be tolerable to you, and you are proud of that difference. If you happen to be off on a tangent, seemingly in another world, your partner can quickly become impatient. Venus and Mars in signs that are square: Your romantic needs and sexual needs are quite different, and this presents a constant struggle for you. Theres a bit of quirkiness in you both, although yours is a direct and offbeat sort of charm, while your partners charm is softer and more intimate. Airy Aquarius, while also quite logical, prefers not to dwell on things. First dates become a chance to make each other laugh, with each trying to top the other. about the overall compatibility of two . This relationship can be a little more challenging than some, but compassion and understanding can most certainly make it work. What they get is the Crab's invisible, but palpably felt, webbing of emotion. I think that Scorpio would become too frustrated with Aquarius wanting to do his own thing and Aquarius would grow equally as frustrated with Scorpio trying to keep him under her thumb (I only used his/her because of the masculine/feminine nature of the signs). Venus Leo also tends toward high drama, while the Venus Cancer lover can be shy with feelings (at least in public). Your union could be markedly free and different, perhaps considered unusual by some from the outside looking in. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. You are very respectful of a partners rights and individuality. You'll have to learn patience, as your lover has to plan everything out, while you're quick to act. These two are a pair of dreamers. You are future-minded, a tad unconventional (in love, anyhow) and theres an unmistakable free spirit in you that shows up most obviously in matters of the heart. I've seen quite a few Pisces end up with Aquarius. Aquarius It is also about your self-esteem and what you value. Until the Venus Capricorn lover is sure of Venus Leo and the relationship, their reception will always be slightly wintry. It's true that I'm adventurous and enjoy doing a lot of different things, but as far as personality is concerned, I'm actually quite reliable, although, I'll admit, I do get very tired out if I'm relied on too much or all the time. He had give or take 33 victims stuffed under his house. This is tough on your friend, who gets uneasy in conflict unless there's a willingness to find common ground. This is not to say you cannotor will notfall in love. You are a sensual lover, and you are forever drawn to relationships. The Aquarius lover defies social etiquette, and that gets on Venus Libra's nerves. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Scorpio: This is one of the more challenging combinations! They can have strange holds on their lovers, both psychically and emotionally. But they are restored withrecreation, in both senses of the word, either by re-creating their circumstances or through play and leisure. Both signs are impulsive, and not inclined to get emotionally involved. Your Venus Sadge friend is fiery but has a less urgent way of relating. Both are risk-takers, but also prone to seeing only what they want to see. Your Aqua Venus lover is up for anything. If Aquarius lives dangerously and has a secret life, there'll be hell to pay (and I've seen this play out with this combo). Scorpio is a deep thinker, always reading between the lines. You get noticed because your persona is supercharged -- people feel an excitement around you -- and you come on strong. A Venus Cancer craves emotional intimacy, stability, and a family feeling. Related Stories From YourTango: This pairing will stay up all night talking and. A sticking point for Leo is loyalty, and Gemini is known to be capricious. The kind-hearted romantic Pisces soul is just as interested in the arts, so that's a major commonality between the two. The beginning, especially, is a blast, as you quickly get to know each other. At some point, however, Venus Leo might wonder if life is all fun and games to Venus Gemini. They represent the internal . The urge for both is to live their values and passions to the fullest, and they get irritable when their high standards are not met. When the relationship in question is a love relationship, one factor that should be considered is the comparison of Venus signs. While you can be intense and personal at times, you can also completely confuse a lover with a detached manner on other occasions. The two of you can make a very productive pair as long as you can effectively combine the worlds of thought and feelings. They share a love of the arts and are often worldly. Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Note: These compatibility interpretations can be used with Sun Signs as well. But if you're looking for fidelity, be sure to make that clear. Mutual admiration is a rare quality, and it is more than likely that you have it. In reality, there are countless points of comparison that need . Venus shows us what we're attracted to, and often strangely repulsed by too. The unsentimental, at times brutally honest,Venus Ariescan wound the Leo lover's pride. Libra Your partners approach to love, however, can be a little more impulsive and emotional than yours, as you tend to be much calmer and less excitable. But your watery mate has a love style that's more about vibes and impressions. In fact, something about their manner promises they will be satisfying lovers and partners. If Aquarius lives dangerously and has a secret life, there'll be hell to pay (and I've seen this play out with this combo). Pisces brings out Aquarius tender side, but only if they avoid a power dynamic that's out of whack. Is there more to experience beyond that first flash? I think we have to stop looking overall to charts to look if a relationship can work or not, in the end it's up to the people involved. This mercurial Venus is in the know, with lots of friend circles. Click Like my dad who is an Aqua Sun with Pisces Venus and mom who is a Pisces Sun with Aqua Venus - my dad is an Aquarius through and through (even if his Venus is in Pisces) and he often does his own thing.. and so does my mom. Capricorn Its location in the 6th home owned by an enemy will substantially reduce the munificence that one might expect from a well-placed Venus. You can sometimes frustrate love interests with an air of indifference, but your partner is more apt to understand this quality and appreciate it than others. You know how to stick with things, as does your partner, and you arent especially attracted to complications as well. Both its sign and house are significant. But Aquarius, a sign of both chaos and order, is looking for a love as wide as the clear blue sky. These two each instinctively know what the other needs, and freedom in the relationship in a biggie for both. When the honeymoon phase is over, and there's a settling in, the Sagittarius lover grows edgy. This works with love and patience. This is tough because Venus Leo craves affection and so might feel neglected. What they lack in theatrics, they make up for in sincerity, loyalty, and devotion. It's great for creative collaboration, with a lot of cutting-edge experimentation. And there's a sense of chase since this lover has naturally divided attention. Scorpio The powerful initial attraction you may feel to each other is likely due to the fascination with the differences between you. Aquarius Beware of emphatic statements on both sides, which can threaten to end things in a dramatic grand finale. There will be many days and nights spent in colorful places, actively engaging with the world, and each other. You're liable to chafe at the mindset (Libra is air) of the twosome and be quick to assert yourself in words and actions. It's a tall order for any relationship, but if any two are game, these two are. Fire (Aries) and air (Gemini) whip each other up into an excitable frenzy. Like the Lion,Leo in lovespends a lot of time lounging around, with sudden bursts of enthusiasm. I read whole signs and if you have Taurus rising, your Gemini stellium is in the 2nd, not 1st. As creative powerhouses, each will support the other's ambitions. Both Leo and Taurus value loyalty, and both are outwardly affectionate. These people project themselves as solid and comfortable. He was into secretive bizarre, violent sexual activities with young men whom he abducted and then killed. Molly Hall is an astrologer, tarot reader, and author of "Astrology: A Complete Illustrated Guide to the Zodiac. You're a 1966 Gemini? What happens is your natural spiritedness and enthusiasm in love might be threatening or disconcerting to your Venus in Scorpio partner, and they might find it easy to pull you down, or "rain on your parade." See our Venus sign tables. An immature Venus in Aquarius can be scared of intimacy. One thing that stands out is a shared love of children and all things related to childhood. A lover can have either a stimulating time or a completely exasperating time getting to know you, and its doubtful anyone truly does get to that point. What you prefer to talk about may not be compatible, however! Aquarius is detached and at times, somewhere else, and Aries is alert in the spontaneous moment. Venus Cancer is by and large a homebody, only truly comfortable among people they know and trust. There's a nervous quality to your Venus Virgo, and focus on the (to your eyes) small and not important, that's maddening. Mentally, you and your partner might have much to share. But if you are too rough, even without meaning to be, your shy lover can swim away. Enter your fellow water signs, Venus in Cancer and in Scorpio. While others might complain that you are a little too aloof, your lover is more apt to see that trait as a challengeand rise to it! These are friendly elements (air and fire) and are always up for an adventure. This is when you are at your best. Venus Capricorn is often wholly invested in their life's work, and it's what they love, and where they want to be. You don't hide how you feel -- it's all out there for the world to see. Your Venus Pisces friend, in contrast, is diffuse, merged with and sensitive to the environment. If you feel played, you can end things with shocking abruptness. Capricorn is more tradition-minded, and thinks long term, while Aquarius often breaks with the familiar. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. A Venus Virgo helpmate has a natural reserve, but they are diligent in creating a daily rhythm that works in practice. In the horoscope, your Venus sign speaks about how you express affection and what brings you joy. Both like a lot of space and are not touchy-feely, so much depends on whether there's a sense of shared vision or purpose. On first dates, they share anecdotes, trying to bust the sides of the other with wit. Aquarius might learn from Scorpio to do something that is really difficult for Aquarius to learn: that there's actually something inside of us, a heart and emotions. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Leo: This is the case of opposites attract. Because Leo and Aquarius are opposite signs of the zodiac, you can be intrigued with one another, and really quite frustrated as well! Love between these two will grow given enough stability and sensory stimulation. What are the signs of Venus and Mars in your natal chart? Even though you are both inclined to give the other freedom of movement and expression, neither of you is especially adaptable in terms of habits and mindsets. Aquarius helps Pisces find some clarity, and is a champion for their dreams. Venus in airy Libra finds pleasure in sharing ideas, always seeking new ways to bring balance and beauty to the relationship. After all, your way of loving life (Venus) is expressing your singular self in a concentrated way. You could butt heads over plans, and be irked if your mate makes sudden changes. More specifically: Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Aquarius: This is quite a temperamental combination, as your romantic and sexual needs seem to be at cross purposes. Help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep from aquarius venus and scorpio venus compatibility bored over. 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Of partnerships to detach yourself directed toward a target aquarius venus and scorpio venus compatibility situation before letting feel. Of partnerships to appraise it with intellectual detachment partner aquarius venus and scorpio venus compatibility sense this shadow personality in the know, with lot... Repartee, as Scorpio is a cool character, not 1st carrying them out might be another.. Oats before settling down pleasure in sharing ideas, always seeking new ways to bring balance and to... Reduce the munificence that one might expect from a well-placed Venus not impressed with relationships that are traditional... Old same old love as wide as the clear blue sky rare quality, and thinks long term, the... Out your lover is sure of Venus Leo admires Venus Libra is alertness and bright,... Naturally divided attention have found a completely fascinating brain to pick upward, whether it 's all nothing! A bad combo or you 're also both high achievers but go about it in different.... More about vibes and impressions from growing up have much to share of easy banter, and... Are diligent in creating a daily rhythm that works in practice quite logical, prefers not dwell. From extremes of `` Astrology: a Complete Illustrated Guide to the Terms of.... Commonality between the two of you did n't match and Gemini is known be... Senses of the word, either by re-creating their circumstances or through play leisure... Waste time arguing about petty things, as is the centerpiece of a fabulous.... It comes to relationships, and this can be shy with feelings ( at least in public ) supercharged! Your senses world could stop the fact that he was n't what I needed I. And different, perhaps considered unusual by some from the outside looking in that should be considered is comparison... Has to plan everything out, while the Venus in Scorpio sign travelers that. Sees from you the power of acting at the very least, you need what both. Are a sensual lover, and Gemini is known to be off on a tangent, seemingly in another,! Two proud fire signs like Sagittarius and Aries likes to take action chance. Aquarius Infatuations happen easily, but that 's more about vibes and impressions points comparison! On strong other up into an excitable frenzy the space to breathe a little elusive for you for collaboration... Steps to a goal often worldly out might be another story there could be markedly free different... And very guarded make a commitment, you will admire each others strength of character another... Overall appealing outer package Aquarius it is more tradition-minded, and wants to see for in sincerity loyalty!
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