Note: API based content does not support custom plugins . The WordPress API stands for the WordPress Application Programming Interface. See Plugin API/Filter Reference for a current list of filter hooks in WordPress, and links to previous versions of WordPress. Insert Pages lets you embed any WordPress content (e.g., pages, posts, custom post types) into other WordPress content using the Shortcode API. The WordPress REST API provides API endpoints for WordPress data types that allow developers to interact with sites remotely by sending and receiving JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) objects. Each covers the functions involved in and use of a given set of functionality. It can be separated into multiple API sections / topics. This type of page cannot be displayed in the user interface, but is intended for building reliable integration services. string page_status; int wp_page_parent_id; string wp_page_parent; int wp_page_order; string wp_page_template; array custom_fields (Added in WordPress 2.3.2) struct string id: Optional. author: Limit result set to posts assigned to specific authors. Example This is an example, as described by Ozh on the wp-hackers email list , for a plugin to modify (or overwrite) the default bloginfo() function. As the CEO of his consultancy, DK New Media, he consults and develops strategies for assisting marketing technology companies gain market share as well as enterprise corporations with vendor selection.He advises investors and venture capital firms. In the previous installments of this series, I have covered the introduction of WordPress REST API and Fetch Posts in WordPress REST API.. WordPress, launched way back in 2003, was built to create and publish web pages easily, especially for people less acquainted with web development or programming in general. Here is a handy snippet with which you can easily get the current page URL on your WordPress website regardless of the page which is being displayed. The bellow approch worked for me. Return Values. 04/01/2020; 2 minutes to read; In this article. Stated another way, assume that you have a page created in WordPress with the name "My News". In this installment of the series on WordPress REST API, I will discuss how to set up basic authentication protocol(s) on the server so that REST API can be set up and maintain secure communication with various entities and channels.
It doesn’t matter if you need the URL for single post, page URL, the home page, … The functions of the WordPress Pages API are useful if you’re developing a theme. Requests. Now, what API can be used to retrieve the string "my-news" instead of the name of the latest post?

New settings pages can be registered along with sections and fields inside them.
author_exclude (Added in WordPress 2.6.3) string url; int length; string type; bool publish: Whether to publish the page upon creation or leave it as a draft. It lets you define settings pages, sections within those pages and fields within the sections. For support requests, use the WordPress forums. Default: 10. search: Limit results to those matching a string. I've … The existence of the WP REST API, specifically after WordPress 4.7, means that all of your site’s content, including posts, pages, comments, and any public post meta, is … The real power of Insert Pages comes when you start creating custom post types, either programmatically in your theme, or using another plugin like Custom Post Type UI. HTTP methods # HTTP methods. page: Current page of the collection. It’s a primary class in the WordPress REST API infrastructure. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Reddit Viber WhatsApp 85 Shares. It also includes a widget for inserting pages into any widget area.