A date string may contain items indicating calendar date, time of day, time zone, day of the week, relative time, relative date, and numbers. Use the -I option to the date command to format dates according to this format (the s specifies precision up to integral seconds): $ date -Is 2013-10-08T10:48:03+0300 To obtain the last modification time of a file (in seconds since the epoch), use the %Y format specifier with the stat command: $ stat -c %Y file1 1378818806 This short-cut is right there. (yy)yy is the traditional Danish date format. The formats d. 'month name' yyyy and in handwriting d/m-yy or d/m yyyy are also acceptable. %c: Prints the date and time in the format for your locale, including the timezone. The formatting option allows you to format the date in different ways or get just certain parts of the date, such as the year, the month, the day and so on: With a right-click on the date/time, a context menu opens as shown in the screen-shot below.
$ date Wed Dec 30 21:50:15 CET 2015 If also allows you to modify its output with special FORMAT options. There are tons of ways of customizing the output, for example, presenting in various formats, calculating dates … In the widget settings, the date format can be defined completely independently from the system’s region settings. The date format you are referring to is ISO 8601.
%x: Prints the date in the format for your locale. This command finds all files in the local folder, and pipes only the file name to xargs, substituting the date modified filename as the second argument to mv which performs the rename.. For those in linux: Please note that the open and quite small busybox has a date component that also allows the format of -d to be defined with -D. – Isaac Jul 13 '17 at 21:25 I don't see how that affects people on Linux particularly, but thanks for the note. Options to Display the Day %a: Prints the name of the day, abbreviated to Mon, Tue, Wed, etc. Options to Display the Date %D: Prints the date in mm/dd/yy format. This command has many formatting options to format … %x: Prints the date in the format for your locale. Changing the date to '15 January 2019', you should use the following command: # timedatectl set-time 20190115 Create custom date format
; Options to Display the Date %D: Prints the date in mm/dd/yy format.
Answering the clarified question in the comments about how to change the date format in a filename, use a variant of drewbenn's gnu date approach. %F: Prints the date in yyyy-mm-dd format. Date and time value can be printed in different formats by using this command. There is a different identifier date command supply. Date Formatting Options # The output of the date command can be formatted with a sequence of format control characters preceded by a + sign. However, its functionality isn’t limited there. You can use timedatectl to set the time and the date respectively. %F: Prints the date in yyyy-mm-dd format. ; Options to Display the Day %a: Prints the name of the day, abbreviated to Mon, Tue, Wed, etc. i should never use anything in in … Options to Display the Date and Time %c: Prints the date and time in the format for your locale, including the timezone. while simply i type that date command it should give that (Wed 3 May 2017 04:35:19 IST)format date and time. I want to set the date using busybox's date command (BusyBox v1.21.0). This command can also be used for calculating date and time value related tasks. Weitere Hinweise findet man unter Links . The international format yyyy-mm-dd or yyyymmdd is also accepted, though this format is not commonly used. I tried that format option also.But my linux application team asking to change default date and time format. die Partition auch formatiert.
To create custom date format, use a plus sign (+) $ date +”Day : %d Month : %m Year : %Y” Day: 05 Month: 12 Year: 2013 $ date +%D 12/05/13 %D format follows Year/Month/Day format. Für den Wechsel der Linux-Dateisysteme von ext2 nach ext3 und auch von ext3 nach ext4 muss man die Partition nicht neu formatieren. A date string may contain items indicating calendar date, time of day, time zone, day of week, relative time, relative date… The format controls start with the % symbol and are substituted by their values. Date String The --date=STRING is a mostly free format human readable date string such as "Sun, 29 Feb 2004 16:21:42 -0800" or "2004-02-29 16:21:42" or even "next Thursday". The Linux date command by default has a pretty readable output.